Grab a Cracking Game Album for £1

Last year I had the pleasure of interviewing a budding video game composer named Simon David while he was promoting his debut album, ‘NotAGameCollection’. Now game soundtracks have always been a pet love of mine, let alone soundtracks inspired by actual OSTs as is the case with this particular album, but the reason why David’s work continues to stick out in my mind is the admirable level of consistency in his work.

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Times they are a-changin’

I had some big ideas for this blog when I first set it up in 2013. At the time I was tasked with writing editorial about games by Cranberry Publishing where I was tasked with producing five 300 word-plus articles a-day for and in between that time I was producing editorial and managing freelance staff for two relatively popular digital magazines PCGZine and MMOZine. Both of which had tens of thousands of regular engaged readers per month.

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Half Marathon Musings

Here’s a little write-up detailing my experience running the Portsmouth Coastal Half Marathon. During the run-up to the event I managed to raise over £200 (including GiftAid) for an extremely deserving charity. Read on to find out more and witness some incredibly embarrassing pics – receding hairline be damned!

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